Letter in opposition to Bill 31 & its proposal to end a tenants right to lease transfer

June 21st, 2023Leanne Ashworth

WRITE TO THE Quebec Housing Minister!

In her proposed Bill 31, Minister France-Élaine Duranceau seeks to restrict the right to assign a lease, an important right for tenants.

Fortunately, the bill has not yet been adopted, there is still time to modify it! Ask the Minister to back down on her decision.

Madame la Ministre (ministre@habitation.gouv.qc.ca)
Monsieur le Premier ministre premierministre@quebec.ca

Here is a sample e-mail you can write: 

Dear France-Élaine Duranceau (Ministre responsable de l’Habitation)

I am writing to you to express my profound disagreement with your proposed Bill 31, which would allow lessors to block lease assignments.  

This project is unjust and inopportune, as it goes against a tenant’s right to occupy a dwelling and as it will aggravate the housing crisis that rages across many regions of Quebec.  

Not only are lease assignments a legal and legitimate manner for tenants to free themselves of their obligations to a lease when they need to move, but they also permit new tenants to find a reasonably priced apartment without suffering excessive rental increases.  

Therefore, I ask you to renounce this element of Bill 31 and to respect the rights of tenants to perform lease assignments. Instead, I invite you to take positive and concrete measures to fight this housing crisis. Notably, by increasing financing for social housing and by protecting tenants from excessive rental increases by abolishing «clause F» in leases, and by establishing a Governmental Rental Registry in Quebec.