8 juillet 2024Hayley Bleho
Inscrivez-vous à nos ateliers d'été!
L’été 2024 bat son plein et notre série d’ateliers est de retour ! Rejoignez-nous pour apprendre tout ce qu’il fault savoir pour louer un apartment à Montréal, y compris trouver un apartement et signer votre bail. Les sessions se tiendront sur Zoom et vont comprendre une séance de questions-réponses à la fin. TROUVER UN LOGEMENT HORS CAMPUS À MONTRÉAL … Vous déménagez à Montréal et souhaitez entreprendre votre recherche d’un logement ? Le Centre de ressources en logement et en emploi (HOJO) de l’Union des étudiants et étudiantes de Concordia (CSU) propose un atelier en ligne gratuit où vous apprendrez comment trouver un logement sûr et abordable à Montréal. Nous vous expliquerons le processus de recherche d’un logement et vous fournirons des conseils pour…
20 mars 2024Adia Giddings
PUSH Documentary Screening. From our film series, HOJO Presents Displaced Realities: the fight for home
Screening of “Push,” a documentary shedding light on the global phenomenon of the commodification of housing and consequent lack of affordability, especially through the eyes of Leilani Farha, a United Nations special rapporteur on housing who lives in Canada.  … April 9th 6:30-8pm  … J.A. DeSève Cinema … 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. LB 125 … Free!!! Register Here
Style de vieMontréalÉtudiants
19 janvier 2024CSU HOJO
Refusing Your Rent Increase Workshop
Have you recently received a rental increase notice and don’t know what to do? Do you want to refuse or negotiate a lower amount, but don’t know how? Do you want to know more about rental increases in Quebec and the options you have as a tenant?  … Join us for the ‘Refusing your Rental Increase Workshop’ at 2 pm on February 2nd to learn more about rent increases in Montreal, and how to exercise your right to refuse a rent increase. We will cover all of the essential information, including how to calculate a reasonable rent increase and how to open negotiations with your landlord. Register for the free Zoom event here. 
19 janvier 2024CSU HOJO
Kick Starting Your Job Search Workshop
Are you looking to kick-start your job search? Join us for a free online workshop at 2 pm on January 26th to begin your job search and gain the skills you need to find a job. Our workshop will explain the process of finding a job in Montreal, tips on where and how to look for a job, and information about your rights and responsibilities as a worker. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the workshop for any questions you have! Click the link below to register:  … Kick Starting Your Job Search Workshop
21 novembre 2023HOJO
Off-campus Housing Search Workshops in November and December 2023
Are you you looking for off-campus housing & not sure where to start? We are giving two different online workshops: the first will help you get started in your search and  the second will explain everything you need to know about signing a lease. Registration is required & you can register at the links below: Getting started with off-campus housing … Are you moving to Montreal? Looking to kick-start your housing search? Join us for a free online workshop to learn how to find safe, affordable housing in Montreal. Our workshop will explain the process of finding housing in Montreal, tips to find an apartment within your budget, and information about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. Register for a session below! Getting started with off-campus housing - Tuesday  November…
8 juillet 2024Hayley Bleho
Inscrivez-vous à nos ateliers d'été!
L’été 2024 bat son plein et notre série d’ateliers est de retour ! Rejoignez-nous pour apprendre tout ce qu’il fault savoir pour louer un apartment à Montréal, y compris trouver un apartement et signer votre bail. Les sessions…
20 mars 2024Adia Giddings
PUSH Documentary Screening. From our film series, HOJO Presents Displaced Realities: the fight for home
Screening of “Push,” a documentary shedding light on the global phenomenon of the commodification of housing and consequent lack of affordability, especially through the eyes of Leilani Farha, a United Nations special rapporteur on…
Style de vieMontréalÉtudiants
19 janvier 2024CSU HOJO
Refusing Your Rent Increase Workshop
Have you recently received a rental increase notice and don’t know what to do? Do you want to refuse or negotiate a lower amount, but don’t know how? Do you want to know more about rental increases in Quebec and the options you have as a tenant?  …
19 janvier 2024CSU HOJO
Kick Starting Your Job Search Workshop
Are you looking to kick-start your job search? Join us for a free online workshop at 2 pm on January 26th to begin your job search and gain the skills you need to find a job. Our workshop will explain the process of finding a job in Montreal…
21 novembre 2023HOJO
Off-campus Housing Search Workshops in November and December 2023
Are you you looking for off-campus housing & not sure where to start? We are giving two different online workshops: the first will help you get started in your search and  the second will explain everything you need to know about signing a…

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